902: Faculty and Staff Assistance Program


Georgetown University has established a program to assist employees who may have personal problems that would benefit from professional attention.  Personal problems that the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program deals with include but are not limited to marital or family difficulties, financial concerns, alcohol or drug use and emotional or medical conditions.


Georgetown University is sincerely interested in the well-being of all its employees.  The University believes that many problems may be corrected with professional assistance.  Personal problems can negatively impact work performance.  However, a negative impact on performance is not a prerequisite to the use of the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.


The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) is designed to assist employees who may be experiencing personal problems.  FSAP services include screening of employees, referrals to potential sources of treatment, or, in some cases, direct counseling.  Employees may be referred to the program by a supervisor or may directly contact an FSAP counselor for an appointment.  Use of the FSAP is voluntary. 

A supervisor will refer an employee to the FSAP when there is a decline in job performance or a specific on-the-job incident the supervisor believes may indicate a personal problem.  Depending on the nature of the suspected problem, the supervisor may:

  • contact the FSAP counselor and make an appointment for the employee, or
  • suggest that the employee contact the FSAP counselor.

Supervisors may also contact the FSAP counselor for advice in handling employee referrals.

If the supervisor believes the employee may have a disability that may need reasonable accommodation, the supervisor should contact the appropriate Human Resources department. 

The appropriate disciplinary action for a performance, time and attendance or conduct problem should normally be imposed, whether or not the employee is referred to the FSAP.  However, if the referral is related to a disciplinary situation, the supervisor should document that the employee was offered assistance through referral to the FSAP.  Refusal to accept a referral or to participate in the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program is not a basis for disciplinary or other adverse action. 

If the employee accepts the referral, the FSAP counselor will advise the supervisor whether the employee:

  • keeps the appointment,
  • accepts or rejects recommendations of the FSAP counselor,
  • will need time away from work (and provide the expected date of return).

Whether or not an employee accepts a referral to the FSAP, if the individual’s job performance, time and attendance or behavior does not improve, the supervisor should consult with the FSAP counselor. Based on the performance, conduct or time and attendance, the supervisor may take further disciplinary action, if warranted. 

Time Off for Participation 
Employees who are referred to the FSAP by a supervisor will be granted release time to attend one or more initial assessment appointments with an FSAP counselor. 

Employees who contact the FSAP directly must arrange release time, leave, or administrative leave.  Employees may also schedule appointments outside of normal work hours.  Except for initial assessments, employees participating in the FSAP must arrange time off from work according to Georgetown University’s leave policies

There is no charge to the employee for the assessment and referral services provided by an FSAP counselor.  If the employee is referred to other services by the FSAP, the cost will be paid by the employee (unless covered by health insurance). 

Records kept by FSAP counselors will not become part of an employee’s permanent personnel file. 

The FSAP will obtain written approval from the employee before making a referral that identifies the individual and the nature of the health or personal issues. The FSAP counselor may contact the appropriate University official if the counselor is aware that:

  • the employee has committed an illegal act, 
  • the employee’s problem is serious and could jeopardize the health and safety of the employee, coworkers, patients, or others, or could seriously jeopardize University operations.


Supervisors are responsible for identifying and referring employees with apparent health or personal issues that affect job performance. 


For more information contact the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.