502: Orientation, Training and Development


The University strives to assimilate new employees into the organization through an active orientation program.  Further, the University supports continued training and development for employees; however, the University recognizes there are organizational limits, such as budget, time, and staffing, that dictate the extent of resources available.


As an academic organization, Georgetown University is committed to the orientation, growth, and development of the individual and supports targeting resources to accomplish that end.  Recognizing that the organization is only as effective as its members and work teams, Georgetown University supports orientation and ongoing training and development efforts designed to:

  • provide practical information in a timely manner;
  • educate employees about relevant legal and regulatory issues;
  • enhance the skills an employee uses in the current position;
  • expand an employee’s existing knowledge and skills to prepare for a modification or change in the current position;
  • broaden an employee’s existing knowledge and skills to prepare for future needs of the organization;
  • encourage, respect and foster an appreciation of individual  differences; and
  • encourage an employee to pursue personal educational goals.


University orientation occurs at two levels: organizational orientation and department orientation.  The appropriate Human Resources department will arrange for new employees to attend the University’s Orientation Program during the first month of employment.  Department orientations should be arranged by the supervisor or department head. 

Training and Development Program Costs 
Training and development program costs may be paid by the department depending on the nature of the program and the financial resources available.  In some cases, the cost of a course may be paid through the University tuition benefit program. 

Time Away From Work 
Time away from work for attending a class or training program may be considered work time and paid accordingly if the following conditions are met:

  • The training program or class is approved and related to the employee’s current job or an approved career development program
  • The employee’s attendance is required by his/her supervisor

All other requests for time away from work to attend training programs or classes must be processed in accordance with the current leave policies. 

Internal Educational Programs 
A variety of on-campus and on-site training and development resources are available at Georgetown University, including: 

Contact the school or center directly for information about courses and enrollment.

Community Educational Programs 
There are a wide array of local colleges, universities and specialized technical training institutions in the greater Washington, D.C. area.  Information about admissions, schedules, costs, etc. can be obtained by contacting the institution’s admissions office.


The employee and the supervisor share the responsibility for individual work-related skill development and career growth. 

The University Human Resources Department is responsible for administering the tuition benefit program. 

Each department is responsible for approving and communicating the policy for departmentally funded training and development programs.


Contact the appropriate Human Resources department if you have questions about this policy or if you would like more information.  Contact the University Human Resources Department for information about the Tuition Benefit Program.