Late Pick-up Policy
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The Center closes at 6:00 p.m. If a child has not been picked up at this time, a late charge will be due. If children are still at the Center past closing time, two staff members remain until all children are picked up. Staff members begin calling parents and emergency contacts at 6:01 pm. If no contact has been made with parents or emergency contacts by 6:10 pm, staff members will call the Director. If children are still at the Center at 6:30 p.m. and no contact has been made with parents or emergency contacts, the Director is called back to the Center. At 7:00 p.m., the DC police (MPD) and social services (CFSA) departments may be contacted if all attempts to reach family and other contacts have failed. At any time, DPS may be called to accompany the staff members and the child at the Center until the Director’s or the parents’ arrival.
The late fee for a first time late pick-up is $1.00 for every minute, according to the clock in the Center’s reception area. This fee is doubled thereafter for every late pick-up within a monthly billing period (i.e. second time late in one month, the fee is $2.00 for every minute). This doubling of the fee is only for one billing period, i.e., the rate returns to $1.00 per minute at the beginning of the month. This fee is billed and applies to all programs. A late pick-up form is signed on the date of the late pick-up by the staff and parent. Enrollment will be terminated if a child is picked up late four (4) times in one month or seven (7) times in three (3) consecutive months.