Visitors requesting to see a particular child must be authorized to do so before entering the Center or playground area. If they are not already an authorized pick-up, Center must verify with a parent/guardian that this person may visit the child. This authorization may be in writing or verbal as long as the staff member uses the same procedures used to verify authorization for picking up [see page 12 “Authorization for Pick-Up” for these procedures].
In all situations except when a parent has a stroller or a long line of children or buggies are coming or going, always open the door manually, as opposed to using the handicapped button. Using the handicapped button allows the potential for “piggybacking” (when someone unauthorized gains access by walking in after the door has been opened by someone else). If someone you do not recognize comes in by piggybacking, politely tell the person, “Please wait outside until I can find someone who can assist you.”
If a visitor rings the doorbell and you do not recognize him/her as having a legitimate reason for being here (like a member of GU Facilities or DPS), please use the intercom to speak with him/her and ask him/her to (a) identify him/herself and (b) say the reason for the visit or who s/he is here to see. Do not allow the person access to the Center until you follow one of the below procedures:
- If the visitor is here to see an HKLC staff member, notify that staff member and ask him/her to verify the visitor’s accuracy. Only then should the visitor be let into the lobby by opening the door manually (not by using the handicapped button).
- If the visitor is inquiring about enrollment, notify a member of the administration (Assistant Director if she is available) but do not let the visitor in (the administrator will manually open the door for these visitors).
- If the visitor claims to be here to visit or pick up a child, please check the child’s file for the visitor’s name listed as an authorized pick-up. If the person is not authorized, please contact the parent to verify that the visitor is allowed to visit or pick up the child. If the person is not authorized, call DPS. If the visitor is authorized, allow them into the lobby by manually opening the door and check photo ID.
- If an individual is unauthorized to enter the premises or appears to present any threat, contact DPS immediately. Please find an administrator as soon as possible after calling DPS.
All visitors are required to sign-in on the visitor log.
General visitors of the Center must be accompanied by a staff member whenever in a classroom or playground area and may not touch the children unless required due to the nature of the work being done (i.e. developmental screenings). The only circumstances in which a general visitor may be left unaccompanied is in the case of a professional doing work at the Center including, but not limited to, facilities work, pre-approved Psychology department visits, or early intervention professionals observing the classroom. In all cases, visitors are required to check-in with an administrative staff member and will be escorted to the area in which the work is to be done. All staff that will have a visitor in their room will be informed in a timely manner as possible by a member of the administrative staff.
If a staff member encounters an unidentified or unknown person who claims to have the right to visit, the staff member should follow the procedures above to identify the person before s/he enters the building. If the person is already in the building, direct the individual to the front desk of the Center to check in with an administrative staff member. The individual’s name and ID will be checked against the files for authorization. If authorization is not in the file, the parent will be called. Access to the child must be denied if photo ID is not available, or the parent cannot provide voice recognition authorization over the phone after speaking with the individual. If the individual refuses to report to an administrative staff member or appears suspicious or threatening in any way, security must be called immediately (7-4357 or 7-HELP). The child’s recognition of the individual in no way serves as authorization.