703: Job Analysis and Evaluation – Assignment of Pay Grades to Jobs

Statement and Philosophy

Prior to being filled, all newly created or vacated staff or AAP positions will be evaluated by the Human Resources Department to determine appropriate position classification, based on the regular duties, skills, knowledge and responsibilities of the job. Additionally, all positions that have undergone significant change constituting a reclassification, as defined in this policy, must also be reevaluated in order to ensure the appropriate placement in the University’s classification and compensation structure. Jobs will be placed in the University’s classification structure in a fair and consistent manner in accordance with the University’s policy of promoting compensation equity.

Evaluation Procedures

  1. Submission:

a. The department manager or supervisor shall submit a position description and a copy of the department’s organizational chart to the appropriate Client Services Partner for their campus.  When an existing position is being evaluated the previous position description will also be required.

b. The Client Services Partner will work with the department to ensure the completeness, clarity and accuracy of the position description.

The Client Services Partner shall submit the position description to the classification and compensation team.

c. The classification and compensation team will evaluate the position description and assign the appropriate job profile and salary grade.

   2. Challenges:

a. Department managers or supervisors who disagree with a position’s classification should contact their Client Services Partner. Client Services Partners will work with the compensation team to determine if there exists sufficient basis to re-assess the position’s classification. Re-assessed positions will only be reclassified when there exists sufficient justification to do so.

b. Employees who believe their positions are incorrectly classified should contact their managers and Client Services Partner. The Client Services Partner and the compensation team will work with the supervisor/manager to determine if there exists sufficient basis to re-assess the position’s classification. Re-assessed positions will only be reclassified when there exists sufficient justification to do so.

c. The Human Resources Department will serve as the final arbiter of all classification and compensation decisions.


It is the responsibility of the department to submit all required documentation, which will be evaluated by the Department of Human Resources within the guidelines of the University’s Job Analysis and Evaluation policy. 


Contact the appropriate Client Services Partner if you have questions or if you would like more information about this policy.