109: Teacher in Charge

Our current DC licensing (OSSE) regulations state that one of the Directors’ duties is to “designate a teacher or group leader to assume responsibility for the facility’s operation in the absence of the Center Director.” 

The scope of the responsibility of the TIC (Teacher In-Charge) includes:

  1. representing HKLC if an unannounced visit to the Center was made by licensing
  2. coordinating with our Office Manager should any time-sensitive matters need to be addressed; examples below:
  • Injury: FT teacher of that child’s age group would consult with the TIC; OM communicates with DPS/GERMS (if necessary), parents.
  • Weather/Fire/External emergency: Teachers stay with classes, OM as Floor Marshal would oversee the situation and handle communications with DEMOC, DPS, parents, staff, etc (as applicable).
  • Late Pick-ups: Recently revised with more specifics – The Center closes at 6:00 p.m. If a child has not been picked up at this time, a late charge will be due. If children are still at the Center past closing time, two staff members remain until all children are picked up. Staff members begin calling parents and emergency contacts at 6:01 pm. If no contact has been made with parents or emergency contacts by 6:10 pm, staff members will call the Director. If children are still at the Center at 6:30 p.m. and no contact has been made with parents or emergency contacts, the Director is called back to the Center. At 7:00 p.m., the DC police (MPD) and social services (CFSA) departments may be contacted if all attempts to reach family and other contacts have failed. At any time, DPS may be called to accompany the staff members and the child at the Center until the Director’s or the parents’ arrival.

Anything not time-sensitive can and should wait until the Director is available to address it.